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No Utopias for Me, I’m an American! Or, Why Liberals Think the Way They Do

I am an American; a birthright I am very proud to declare at every opportunity.

As an American, I want to be free to live in the random world God has created for us. I don’t want it to be free of chaos or danger or injury or failure. That’s what makes the world what it is. And, I’m accepting of that frenetic state of affairs.

President Obama, as with every other Utopian, would rob us of the travails necessary for the betterment of our human condition. It is the Utopian fallacy of the Progressive Movement that is the single greatest threat to not only our lives, but to the continued existence of the United States of America.

I do not want to live in a risk-free world. I do not want to be protected from the world or “from myself.” I am just fine. Life, to me, is about learning all I can about the world, others, and myself. By doing so, I will return to my Creator all the richer for having lived.

I believe that God gave us Free Will, and that it is an extraordinary demonstration of His love for us. With free will, we have the power to decide for ourselves if we want to believe in and serve God, or not. We aren’t forced to believe in God. It is all up to us.

When, in the chaos of the world, we are hurt or lose a loved one, God waits. He waits for us to invite him into our lives and into our hearts, that He may comfort us. We wouldn’t really have free will if God made things happen to force us to seek His love, now would we? It is only after we ask God to act through us that His divine plan is initiated, and our purpose is revealed. That is why we Christians always pray and study His Word; that we may hope to understand our purpose in life, beyond just learning. As the fruit of our bodies ripens and yields to time, our souls are freed to journey Home; delicious with the myriad experiences we tasted in life: the bitterness of fear, sadness, regret, loss, and despair; as well as the sweetness of discovery, freedom, hope, love, and joy. Anyone who attempts to mitigate the vagaries of life in his own experience, simply isn’t “living.” Such is the existence of the Progressive.

Along with free will, God provided us with a chaotic universe created expressly to teach us. It is designed to allow us to succeed and to fail. Failure, as any wise person knows, is the single greatest learning experience there is. If we are diligent pupils, we will accept failure and learn from it. Should we choose to do so, we not only come to understand why certain behaviors or endeavors are not good for us or for the world, but we also become wiser.

Americans must uniformly reject the Progressive philosophy. Its proponents hate the chaotic nature of the world, and, by extension, they hate God. By their very nature, Progressives feel ill-equipped to handle adversity. To them, the freedom God granted us is a curse. That is why they seek to control every aspect of life that they can. That is why they seek to control others.

There is a self-deluding comfort afforded a Progressive when he or she is in a position of control. With the rapaciousness of a glutton intent on eating himself into a state of oblivion, the Progressive hungers for more and more control. However, the level of fear in him only increases as time passes, because injury and infirmity reminds him that mortality looms. Godless and existential, and dissatisfied with whatever level of control he has managed to achieve, the Progressive seeks solace in the attainment of even more control. How does he achieve this? Through the attainment of absolute power.

The more power a Progressive attains, the more convinced he is that he can control the uncontrollable. Attempting to do so assuages the racking torment he experiences in his narcissistic soul. But, again, not for long. For he inevitably feels the very same undeniable fear we all experience: that when we die, we will cease to exist; we will no longer have awareness and we will no longer matter. For those of us who choose to believe in God, however, we at least have Hope. It is the promise that if we choose to follow Christ and live His words, we will be given ever-lasting life after death.

Death, to the Progressive, not only means nihilism, but also that the world he sought so desperately to control and reshape in his own image while he was alive will not be any more orderly than it was when he first came to awareness. To the Progressive Narcissist, this is the ultimate tragedy of death.

What is most sad about this mentality is that the Progressive completely misses the point. To paraphrase Dr. Michael Savage, adherence to the Progressive Movement is a mental disorder; precisely because it is the willful disregard for free will in his own life that results in his inability to learn from his mistakes.

Subsequently, out of a perennial state of subconscious fear, the Progressive seeks to establish an Utopian oasis within the chaos of the universe. “This time,” he says to himself, “I will succeed where others have failed. In my hands,” he rationalizes, “things will be orderly and controlled. Equality of outcomes will be achieved.”

But, this is a Sisyphean endeavor. This is to completely disregard human nature. There will always be war and strife as long as we are who we are: in a fallen state. As long as there are some born who want more than they deserve or are willing to earn, there will be war. As long as there are those who seek to control others, there will be chaos.

God cast out Adam and Eve from the Garden – the one and only paradise on Earth. In life, there is no going back, for any of us. That is our fate. Just as Adam and Eve were cast out of comfort and order to learn, so too, are we intended to live, learn, and die.

So, no thanks, Obama. No thanks, Progressives. I do not want Utopia. I am an American. I was born to be free to live my life, to use my gifts, to attain skills, and to WORK HARD for what I earn. I want to help make the world a better place for as long as I can and for as long as it will remain so. But I will not give up my God-given freedoms, as bestowed through His gift of free will, just you can feel better about yourselves. Yours is a fool’s quest.

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